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Saturn- Attacks Destruction Bomb-pl:1,200, 900hp damage, 1,200ki Silence Glavie Slicer-pl:6,000, 2,000hp damage, 2,500ki. Silence Glavie Healer-pl:10,000, heals stats 100%(use only twice per battle) 100ki Mistress9- Attacks Evil Charm- pl:850- 550hp damage- 80ki. ZOMBIE CLAW- pl: 1,400- 950hp damage- 600ki EVIL WIND- pl: 6,000- 1,400hp damage- 1,000ki DARKNESS BLAST- pl: 25,000- 2,000hp damage- 1,800ki DARK SHOT- pl: 35,000- 3,000hp damage- 2,200ki DOUBLE DARK SHOT-pl: 55,000- 4,500hp damage- 3,600ki NIGHTMARE CLAW-pl: 75,000- 5,400hp damage- 4,800ki DARK SIDE ATTACK-pl: 85,000- 6,000hp damage- 5,800ki Soul Revan- Calls on a Giant Bird to attack her enemies/ 500hp damage- pl- 800 - 100ki Death Claw- Black Panther Attacks her enemies/ 200hp damage/ pl:1,000 / 250ki. Psychic Powers (includes telekiniess,Pryokiniess,Telephay)- all moves doesn't hurt mistreess9-pl:1,500 - 150ki. Vigor-increase PL by 1,000 for a short period of time- pl: 1,200- all ki. Healing song-can heal people or herself by singing(once per battle)- 400ki. Death-calls on the dead to what she wants pl:2,000- 400 hp damage per hit- 600ki. Lunar cry-I move that give her power but only on a full moon adds 300+AP / pl:2,200/ 1,000ki. End Days-a move that can destroy the world PL-10,000- all ki. Silence Glavie Rebirth-pl: 28,000, revives a dead person, 2,000ki. Death Ribbon Revolution-pl:50,000, ribbons of destuction 4,000hp damage, 5,000ki. Death Reborn Revolution- any pl, kills attacker and Saturn but Saturn is reborned as a baby and is fully revived by 4 days, all ki. Silence Wall-pl:70,000- blocks ki attacks(use only 3 times) 1,000ki. Silence Glavie Surprise-pl: 90,000, 5,000hp damage, 6,000ki. Galaxtic Death Ribbon Revolution-pl:110,000- 6,500hp damage, 8,000ki. Galaxtic Destruction Bomb-pl: 140,000- 8,000hp damage, 10,000ki. Saturn Crystal Upgrade-pl:80,000- doubles ki attack damage, 4,000ki. Saturn Crystal Blast-pl: 150,000, all hp all ki. (detransform to normal after this attack) Healer-heals 100%(use twice)-any pl- 10ki. SATURN DEATH BALL- pl:900- 1,000hp- 800ki. ENERGY DESTRUCTION BALLS-pl: 2,000- 2,000ki- 1,000ki.