GAMEPLAY- The person with the most speed goes 1st. When you fire a ki blast, damage of the ki attack + your strenght = whole damage. After u attack, your opponet must respond. FOR EVERYBATTLE A REFF MUST BE PRESENT. BLOCKING- When you block any attack, you get half the damage. The other half of the damage is subtracted to your defence. If defence reaches 0, you can't block anymore. SPEED- In any battle, each character can dodge 2 attacks. THis is how u dodge more times: speed1: 40 - speed2: 20= 20= 2 more times you dodge if your speed is lower than your opponet you can't dodge more than 2 times.(if 2 digit number drop 1 digit, if 3 digit number, drop 2 digits) ROCKS,other items- Where u fight u might find rocks,boudlers,cars,etc. nearby. If you throw a rock,etc. or other items, it does 100 damage. COMBOS- 2-200hit combos/pl: 400-5,000 200-600hit combos/pl:5,000-12,000 600-800hit combos/pl:12,000-30,000 800hit- 1,200hit combos/pl:30,000-60,000 ONLY 2 COMBOS per battle. Every combo add a 0 to the combo hit damage like= 2 hit combo= 20 damage TRANSFORMATIONS- If you can transform, u must transform in a battle to get stats increase. If your hp lowers to 2,000 , you detransform to normal. MONEY BATTLES- winnner- $500 loser- $50 (once a week) FRIENDLY- gets pl increase, money- $100(once a week) DEATH- winner-pl increase loser- DIES SPAR- fight for pl increase POWERING UP!!!!!!!!! 1st level of powering up - 400ki. / increases stats by 100 2nd level of powering up- 1000ki./ increases stats by 300 3rd level of powering up- 2,000ki/ increases stats by 500 3rd level is maxium of powering up. JOBS- you must email me what job you want to amply for, based on your character's ablitily determines what job you get. SELLING ITEMS- you may sell your own items but you sell it at half price.
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GRAVITY!!!!!!! need grav. machine to increase training results. 200 -1,000 - 10x 1,000 - 2,000 - 15x 2,000 -10,000 - 20x 10,000 - 20,000 - 25x 20,000 - 30,000 - 30x 30,000 - 40,000 - 50x 40,000 - 50,000 - 60x SPEACIALS- Everyone must email me your speacial attack. SPEACIAL Attack is an attack that you must be at 3rd power, it causes huge damage. it uses all ki.